Updating my bash prompt

I spend most of my days in the command line. I try to keep things as simple, closest to bare metal as possible, without installing a ton of non-system stuff. Usually this is what my prompt looks like: [main:/d/code/cthugha] Instead, this is what I was seeing: bash: /d/code/cthugha/vcpkg/.git/HEAD: Not a directory [:/d/code/cthugha]

Iceland Réttsælis, Day 2: A rock, another rock, and some seals

So, some house keeping to get things started. One, the title of this trip is Iceland Réttsælis which is a reference to the direction we are traveling, ‘rèttsælis’ is clockwise in Icelandic—or so the Googles say, and we are traveling that way from Reykjavik. It is not the typical direction, but we have spent time… Continue reading Iceland Réttsælis, Day 2: A rock, another rock, and some seals

Epic Western Trip Day 1 – Travel and Big Bertha

Late the night before Getting an early start on the posts for this trip, especially given that tomorrow, the first real travel day, starts early and could be ‘exciting’. We fly, while wearing our KN95 mask (we have been preparing for this trip for some time now), from Boston, MA to Salt Lake City, UT.… Continue reading Epic Western Trip Day 1 – Travel and Big Bertha

Test from iPhone

Traveling soon and just checking to make sure this is all setup correctly.