Quick Review: Harvest 1-5 (Image 2012-2013)

Interesting premise pulled off pretty well: A surgeon gets caught up in high priced organ theft and transplant, after he himself is caught accidentally killing people while high. The doctor is a lot more, and less (at least in the sanity category), then he first appears. Feels like this series was setting up for more,… Continue reading Quick Review: Harvest 1-5 (Image 2012-2013)

Process, again

Best ways to understand something is to explain it to someone else. So, I have a very limited amount of time to write every day. On a good day, it is an hour, most days it is a bit less. So, after waking the wife, walking the dogs, feeding the kid, and then getting the… Continue reading Process, again

new (to me) music

I have bought several CDs over the last couple days (yes, I am old and still like to buy CDs). I listen to a ton of stuff off podcasts, soundcloud, and other places, but I find very little of it motivates me to buy a CD (or download) the way that a new album from… Continue reading new (to me) music