Links for May 14th through May 15th

These are my links for May 14th through May 15th: [toread] (tags: public writing outlines ) gramarye – Wiktionary gramarye: (archaic) Mystical learning; the occult, magic, sorcery. 1885: But the daughter of my uncle (this gazelle) had learned gramarye and egromancy and clerkly craft from her childhood; so she bewitched that son of mine… Continue reading Links for May 14th through May 15th

Process, again

Best ways to understand something is to explain it to someone else. So, I have a very limited amount of time to write every day. On a good day, it is an hour, most days it is a bit less. So, after waking the wife, walking the dogs, feeding the kid, and then getting the… Continue reading Process, again

new (to me) music

I have bought several CDs over the last couple days (yes, I am old and still like to buy CDs). I listen to a ton of stuff off podcasts, soundcloud, and other places, but I find very little of it motivates me to buy a CD (or download) the way that a new album from… Continue reading new (to me) music


On the wall right in front of my desk a piece of wire like the type used to hang paintings, looks sort of like the wires they have in coffee shops or such for art to hang on. Hanging on mine are notecards, five sets of notecards. They are labeled as follows: Programs Stinger-Man Memory… Continue reading failure