Sweatpants Day

Image from Store Front: The Disappearing Face of New York by James and Karla Murray via howtobearetronaut.com OK, so I am callin’ it. First day of sweatpants while working from home. Made it almost 5 months of getting up and getting dressed for work, even though I am working from home. Until I gave up,… Continue reading Sweatpants Day

Microfiction 0001

As the dust settled, Poe pulled herself up on one hand, and wiped off a trickle of blood moving from her mouth to her chin with the other. “What is it with you anyway? First off the name, Lunacy. Give me a clue here. What are you going for? ‘I am crazy,’ something like that?… Continue reading Microfiction 0001

Jumping the shark

  Egyptian beaches were being terrorized by a series of shark attacks. According to some reports, it was supposedly an Israeli trained attack shark. But, the terror is over after the shark was slain by a drunken Serb, who literally jumped the shark. Pure awesomeness. If this news report is to believed, and I question… Continue reading Jumping the shark